Our Brand Mission
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Our Brand Ambition
Our Brand Competencies
Global Network
2012 Strengthening our core business
2015 Deepening our service offer
2018 Developing new-generation business
Developing new-generation business
In addition to strengthening our core business and deepening our service offer, we are preparing for a third horizon of growth. This involves developing new-generation business.
Why is this necessary? New technology may further change our scope of work or considerably reduce it. Moreover, new players might introduce different ways to interact with customers.
These new services may have a direct or, in some other cases, a far more distant con- nection with the field of logistics. We will, for example, qualify the demand for a logistics provider with a high level of automation. Our network already covers all parts of the globe, and we have a tremendous knowledge of international business across industries. Using this expertise and data, we can bring more value to companies and help them become leaders in their fields.
With the initial two horizons of growth and the development of new- generation business, Seacon Air's "Directions 2018" are set.