Our Brand Mission
Our Brand Values
Our Customers
Our Employees
Our Brand Ambition
Our Brand Competencies
Global Network
2012 Strengthening our core business
2015 Deepening our service offer
2018 Developing new-generation business
Our Employees
Be Different..Be the Best !!
Seacon Air biggest assets are its employees.
They deliver and are responsible for the quality of the service and shape the customers' perception of the company. Through the commitment and knowledge of its employees,
Seacon Air is a powerful logistics partner for its customers.
In spite of the size of the company, Seacon Air is strongly shaped by flat hierarchies and a family atmosphere.
Everyone works together as a team to provide customers with the best possible logistics solution. Seacon Air has long been aware of the importance of long-term strategic personnel development and a positive.
working environment. Therefore, the company offers customized training programs at junior and senior level. At the same time, Seacon Air understands family commitments and offers its employees support whenever possible.